
| Socio Economic | Event, News

The Global Labour Univeristy (GLU) is proud to announce a short course for Labour Activisits living and working in South Africa.


Wednesday, 22.11.2017 - University of South Africa (Unisa), 1 Preller St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

KMM Review Publishing, The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Brigalia Bam Chair for Democracy invite you to attend Debating democracy and electoral systems


Monday, 27.11.2017 - Wednesday, 29.11.2017 - International Convention Centre, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). | Socio Economic | Event

Join us for the ‘Wellbeing Economy Festival’ in Pretoria (South Africa) from 27 to 29 November 2017. An incredible line-up of innovators, entrepreneurs, technology experts and academics discussing how to change policy, business and society.


Thursday, 19.10.2017 - Centre for the Book, 62 Queen Victoria Street, Gardens, Cape Town | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Cape Town, in collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Johannesburg invites you and members of your organisation to A PUBLIC DIALOGUE. 

The National Development Plan proposes creating 11…


Wednesday, 27.09.2017 - World Trade Organization | Event

To ensure that the benefits of trade are more equally shared, special attention needs to be given to decent work in global supply or value chains (GVC)


Thursday, 02.11.2017 - Friday, 03.11.2017 - FES Berlin | Event

Does digital change mean prosperity and participation for all or inequality and social upheaval?


Wednesday, 13.09.2017 - Guild Theatre, East London | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

Dispatch Dialogues. Voting, Power and Accountability


Tuesday, 26.09.2017 - Wednesday, 27.09.2017 - Parktonian Hotel, 120 De Korte Street, Wanderers View Estate | Socio Economic | Event

Towards a Decent Standard of Living


Thursday, 14.09.2017 - Burgers Park Hotel, Pretoria, South Africa | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

Preliminary Notice: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue



Friday, 25.08.2017 - Wits, South West Engineering Building, Graduate Seminar Room, East Campus | Socio Economic | Event

Movement. Whiteness. A Fresh look


21.07.2017 | Youth leadership programme | News, Event

The second module of the FHAS took place in Chintsa, Eastern Cape, from 26 to 29 June. Twenty participants (9 female, 11 male) deliberated in sessions focused on understanding South Africa’s political system.

The objectives of the Autumn School were…


Tuesday, 25.07.2017 - Sandton Sun | Socio Economic | Event

The transition towards a low-carbon economy poses a number of opportunities and challenges. Various policy-makers and stakeholders have highlighted these in social dialogues. One of the most contentious issues is economic development. Particularly…


Friday, 21.07.2017 - South West Engineering Building (Wits) | Socio Economic | Event

Gloomy realities of illegal workers.


Wednesday, 12.07.2017 - Saturday, 15.07.2017 - Rhodes University | Event

The Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Rhodes University, which includes the Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit (NALSU) in partnership with the Friederich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and in conjunction with Critical Studies in Sexuality and…


Monday, 26.06.2017 - Thursday, 29.06.2017 - Chintsa | Event

FES South Africa, in collaboration with the University of Fort Hare will host the second of three annual sessions of the Fort Hare Autumn School in Chintsa from 26-29 June 2017.


Saturday, 24.06.2017 - Tuesday, 27.06.2017 - Morris Isaacson High School Hall, Senate Room | Event

Panel discussion will include students, academics and community activists.


Wednesday, 28.06.2017 - Wits Club Conference Centre, WITS West Campus - Empire Road, Yale Road entrance | Event

The negotiations to introduce a national minimum wage are at an advanced stage at NEDLAC. Dr Shane Godfrey and Mario Jacobs, from the UCT Labour and Enterprise Policy Research Group (LEP), have followed the developments closely and are in the process…


Tuesday, 20.06.2017 - Johannesburg | Event

The Africa-China Reporting Project is hosting a symposium on a Common Integrated African Policy On China with the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) associated with UNISA, and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) on July 20 at Wits University. 


Tuesday, 13.06.2017 - Youth Lab Offices | Event

Democracy, as a concept of the rule by the people, finds different expressions in systems of election and governance around the world. What is understood as democracy is thus subjective and often determined by socio-political and economic choices…


Thursday, 08.06.2017 - Friday, 09.06.2017 - The Fountains Hotel Cape Town | Socio Economic | Event

Climate change and the need to move towards renewable forms of energy have long been at the forefront of both global and national agendas. Dominant discourses on climate change focus on two areas: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the…


Sunday, 21.05.2017 - Tuesday, 23.05.2017 - Venue: Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape | Socio Economic | Event

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung South Africa will be partnering with NUMSA and IG Metal to host a joint workshop on Transnational Worker Solidarity and Global Value Chains.


Wednesday, 17.05.2017 - Boksburg | Socio Economic | Event

The Integrated Energy Plan has been published for public comment and analysis. All stakeholders have been engaging on South Africa’s energy mix, and how it will contribute to sustainable development.


Thursday, 04.05.2017 - Tuesday, 04.04.2017 - 17h30 - 19h00 - 6 Spin Street, Church Square, Cape Town | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Cape Town, in collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Johannesburg invites you and members of your organisation to a public dialogue on Powerful Trade Unions: South African Drivers of Regional…


Tuesday, 09.05.2017 - Wednesday, 10.05.2017 - Johannesburg | Socio Economic | Event

The global economic crisis is characterized by massive socio-economic disparities. Oxfam’s (2016) report entitled: An Economy for the 1% concludes that 62 individuals had the same wealth as 3.6 billion people – the bottom half of humanity.


Saturday, 22.04.2017 | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

Mini economic workshops including financial literacy, CV writing, business funding, etc. will be hosted at the festival based on the needs identified in the asset mapping workshops. Young people who attended the Green Innovation boot camp and other…


Thursday, 13.04.2017 - Tuesday, 18.04.2017 | Youth leadership programme | Event

The Fort Hare Autumn School on Social Democracy and Political Economy (FHAS) addresses the relevance of Social Democracy in twenty-first century South Africa: What are its core values and goals, and how can it be put into practice? The FHAS offers a…


Wednesday, 12.04.2017 - Thursday, 13.04.2017 | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

YouthLab has partnered with sophiatwon Green Incubator and other trainers to create a specific innovation boot camp aimed at encouraging, testing, greening and launching economic innovations for township youth. Ideas can be businesses or social…


Friday, 07.04.2017 - Saturday, 08.04.2017 | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

In 2015 and 2016, South African young people have challenged the definition of political participation” by extending their political voice beyond voting, party protocols and normative forms of mobilisation. From student protest and the Occupy Luthuli…


Thursday, 06.04.2017 | Socio Economic | Event

There are 1,2 million migrant workers in South Africa, representing 4% of the labour market, The majority of these are from the region and are employed in precarious and low incomes sectors such as domestic work, agriculture and construction…


Wednesday, 05.04.2017 | Socio Economic | Event

iCre8 eKasi is a YouthLab initiative, it is a township economic revitalisation project aimed at innovating economic ecosystems in townships. iCre8 ekasi leverages potential opportunity for economic investment and trade by focusing on mapping,…


Wednesday, 05.04.2017 | Socio Economic | Event

iCre8 eKasi is a YouthLab initiative, it is a township economic revitalisation project aimed at innovating economic ecosystems in townships. iCre8 ekasi leverages potential opportunity for economic investment and trade by focusing on mapping,…


Friday, 24.03.2017 | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

Society, Work and Development Institute (SWOP) presents new research. These papers document the destruction of work, water, community and livelihoods by the current wave of intensified marketisation, posing the question of alternatives for social…


Thursday, 23.03.2017 | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

The international environment in 2017 is likely to continue to be characterised by change and uncertainty, as evidenced by contemporary political and economic events. These will undoubtedly impact South Africa’s foreign policy.


Wednesday, 22.03.2017 | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Cape Town, in collaboration with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Johannesburg invites you and members of your organisation to a public dialogue on South Africa’s Corporate Expansion in Southern Africa.


Saturday, 18.03.2017 | Socio Economic | Event

iCre8 eKasi is a YouthLab initiative, it is a township economic revitalisation project aimed at innovating economic ecosystems in townships. iCre8 ekasi leverages potential opportunity for economic investment and trade by focusing on mapping,…


Wednesday, 08.03.2017 | Internationalism and future of multilateralism | Event

The International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on, March 8. It is an annual celebration of women’s social, cultural, political and economic achievements.


Friday, 03.03.2017 | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

Society, Work and Development Institute (SWOP) presents new research. These papers document the destruction of work, water, community and livelihoods by the current wave of intensified marketisation, posing the question of alternatives for social…


Monday, 27.02.2017 | Socio Economic | Event

South African trade unions played a key role in the struggle against apartheid. They mobilized workers from various racial backgrounds, and united them in order to challenge subjugation in the authoritarian apartheid political economy.


Friday, 24.02.2017 - Saturday, 25.02.2017 - Johannesburg | Democracy and Political Culture | Event

YouthLab has a focus on capacity development of young people, youth and development practitioners and decision–makers. Using participatory methodologies Youth Lab hosts workshops with young people in communities and organisations.


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