Friday, 21.07.2017 - South West Engineering Building (Wits)

South African Labour Bulletin

Gloomy realities of illegal workers.

The South African Labour Bulletin (SALB) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) will contribute to the policy discourse on migrant labour by hosting a social dialogue. This event provides a platform for all stakeholders (unions, government, civil society and business) interested in exploring various experiences of migrant labour to engage. The debates in the dialogue will be centred on discussing labour migration within a broader framework of a decent living level. Moreover, the conversation will link migration to debates on development and the changing global political economy.



Migrant labour has played an important role in the development of both the South African and global political economy. Recent estimates indicate that there are about 1.2 million migrant workers in   South Africa. These employees make up 4 % of the total workforce in the country. However, they form part of the most marginalized section of the labour force, with minimal access to decent employment or basic labour rights. The African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) conducted workshops with various labour formations, exploring challenges experienced by migrant workers. The workshop outcomes will feed into a larger project on developing alternative organizing strategies, which are most suitable for advancing the interests of migrant workers. These discussions at the SALB dialogue are integral for highlighting some of the preliminary outcomes, and involving other stakeholders in the discourse. 

Theme: Labour Migration
Venue: South West Engineering Building (Wits)
Date: 21 July 2017
Time: 5:00pm - 6:30pm
RSVP: salb(at) or 081 381 9651


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