Wednesday, 12.04.2017 - Thursday, 13.04.2017

iCre8 Bootcamp – Kwa-Zulu Natal

YouthLab has partnered with sophiatwon Green Incubator and other trainers to create a specific innovation boot camp aimed at encouraging, testing, greening and launching economic innovations for township youth. Ideas can be businesses or social initiatives. The Green Innovation boot camp will take young people from idea to business model through various processes. The top idea from each province after the boot camp will be given a grant to activate their innovation.

YouthLab has partnered with Sophiatown Green Incubator and other trainers to create a specific innovation boot camp aimed at encouraging, testing, greening and launching economic innovations for township youth. Ideas can be businesses or social initiatives. The Green Innovation boot camp will take young people from idea to business model through various processes. The top idea from each province after the boot camp will be given a grant to activate their innovation.

After the boot camp Sophiatown Green Incubator will select 3 ideas per province that they will mentor for 3 months to ensure those ideas also have the best chance for success.

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