Friday, 21.02.2020 - Wits University, Hofmeyr House, next to Jubilee Hall, East Campus, Braamfontein

First SWOP Breakfast Seminar 2020

The first 2020 SWOP breakfast roundtable will commence with a book launch and discussion of "Bonds of Justice: The Struggle for Oukasie". The discussion will include author Kally Forrest as well as Tshidi Mangoathe, Jacob Moatshe & Gille de Vlieg.

Bonds of Justice: The Struggle for Oukasie tells the story of a group of young people who put accountable leadership at the centre of resistance to the removal of their community and later in developing their community. They placed organisation at the centre of their struggle working through the Young Christian Workers and the emerging trade union movement. The book engages with a political tradition which posed alternatives to organisations like the United Democratic Front and the South African Communist Party. It tells the story of these struggles in the1980s and 1990s, and continues to dissect problems faced by Oukasie when the ethics of accountability disappeared. 

The SWOP Breakfast Seminar is a public platform for sharing new SWOP research with stakeholders inside and outside of the university. Hofmeyr House is a venue that facilitates networking and lively discussion amongst all participants over a full breakfast.

Venue: Hofmeyr House, next to Jubilee Hall, East Campus, Braamfontein (parking available at venue)
Date: 21 February 2020
Time: 8:00-9:30 (Breakfast served from 7:30)

For catering purposes, please RSVP to Gugulethu.mabena1(at) by Tuesday, 18 February 2020.

The upcoming seminars for the first semester will be advertised shortly.

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