
Web-Seminar – ‘Rethinking Corruption’!

Corruption remains a major challenge to democracy in South Africa.

Corruption remains a major challenge to democracy in South Africa. The Covid 19 pandemic has seen an escalation of media reports on corruption, particularly the rampant looting of public resources – mainly relief funds targeted towards the fights against the coronavirus – by the political and business elite. 

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology (University of Fort Hare), in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung South Africa (FES-SA) invites you to a web-seminar under the theme ‘RETHINKING CORRUPTION’. The seminar challenges the prevailing views on corruption in South Africa’s democratic era. This web-seminar is part of the Fort Hare Friday Seminar Series (FHFSS). 

Date: Friday 21 August 2020
Time: 12:H00 – 14:H00 
RSVP for Zoom link: Elmon Mudefi: emudefi(at)ufh.ac.za OR 
Abnavien King: Abnavien.King(at)fes-southafrica.org

Professor Sonwabile Mnwana (University of Fort Hare)

Professor Karl Von Holdt - Professor and senior researcher at SWOP
Professor Mcebisi Ndletyana - Associate professor of Politics at University of Johannesburg 

Please include your affiliated institution or organisation's name on your RSVP

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